Central Florida Vocal Arts Summer Institute decorative text


JUNE 10 - 15

SESSION 2: AGES 13 - 18

JUNE 17 - 22


Your Gift Matched By 15%
Now through April

Your Gift Matched By 15%
Now through April

Upcoming Events

Cocaine Bear:
The Opera

Coming to The Orlando International Fringe Theatre Festival Peach Venue this May and written by Fringe legend Eric Pinder, this can’t-miss production is inspired by the 2023 comedy thriller film Cocaine Bear, which was based on real-life events from 1985.


Re-Imagining the Future of Vocal Arts

Central Florida Vocal Arts, along with sister company Opera del Sol, are using our platform in the performing arts to build a better Central Florida community through education, performance, and appreciation.  A non-profit music advocacy organization, we are dedicated to re-imagining the future of vocal arts.  We provide the highest quality training to artists of all ages while also offering performance opportunities to emerging and professional artists. We use the arts to create tangible social good in our community.

CFVA Programs


Our Mainstage Productions provide performances to our community that align with our mission and create a professional pipeline for youth talent.

A group of five students on a stage in the middle of singing. The girl on the far left, is wearing blue. She has blonde hair with a red streaks in it. Her hands are up to the back of her head and opposed position. She's also wearing black shorts the girl that is closest in the front is wearing a red sleeveless shirt and her arms are outstretched. She has brown hair. In the center there are two females, leaning on each other, shoulder shoulder. The girl in the back has dark hair and sin as a white T-shirt and blue long pants. The gal in the front is also dark haired, and is wearing a long sleeve sweatshirt, which appears to have pink and green checkers on the sleeve. She is wearing dark colored jeans on the right side of the image are a male and female and they are cropped off of the sides of the image. The male is singing. He is wearing a black T-shirt, and blue jeans, the woman on the right of the v is singing she has dark curly hair, a white shirt with a blue patterned shirt on top.


A continuing lifecycle of vocal arts in our community begins with our Educational and Training Programs. We develop students’ talent and passion to build a better community.

Opera del Sol

Opera del Sol is committed to redefining the Opera Genre as a whole by addressing relevant social issues through original works and regional premieres.

Help us reach our goals

Make a Difference today



Sound Check

Voice Teacher Green Flags? Sarah Lysiak shares her knowledge of what makes a good educator.

Sarah Lysiak is the Director of Education for Central Florida Vocal Arts and has been a voice teacher for over 13 years. She shares what students should look for in a voice teacher, how teaching voice has made her a better performer, and what the future looks like for Education at Central Florida Vocal Arts. Sarah shares that her Director of Education position includes: creative programming, logistical coordination, administrative tasks, and covers anything from Arts 1:1 (a grant-funded vocal program offering free lessons to students with financial need), group classes with The Boys and Girls Club and Pace Center For Girls, college audition prep workshops, and additional education program initiatives. She also assists with studio operations, oversees the execution of Summer Institute and attends conferences

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Be a part of our arts community by volunteering with Central Florida Vocal Arts!


Central Florida Vocal Arts holds auditions throughout the year for our Mainstage productions, Opera del Sol productions, Belles & Bows holiday quartet, and more!

Join Our Team

Join our family as a teaching artist or any other staff position we are looking for at the time.